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Best Desserts in Magic Kingdom for 2023

🚨 WARNING! 🚨 You’re missing out on some of the BEST food in Disney World!

Magic Kingdom!

Disney World has so many restaurants and snacks to pick from, it can really be overwhelming. You can certainly go watch our video about the BEST food in Disney World, but if you want a list of just the best desserts in Magic Kingdom, you’ve come to the right place!

There are tons of iconic snacks that you can find throughout the Disney World theme parks. And though Magic Kingdom may not have as many international or unique snacks as EPCOT, it still has plenty of sweet treats to satisfy your cravings — including quite a few that you may have NEVER heard of!

If you want a complete list of the best snacks (sweet and savory) at Magic Kingdom, you can click here. But today we’re focusing on the sweet. So pack those stretchy pants, grab your wallets, and prepare to go on a delicious journey with us. And be sure to bookmark this page for your upcoming trips!

1 — DOLE Whip (Aloha Isle)

We start with a true classic, the ever-popular DOLE Whip. While you can find these at many spots outside of Magic Kingdom, sometimes there’s nothing better than grabbing one from Aloha Isle (in Adventureland), sitting near the Enchanted Tiki Room, and relaxing!

Pineapple Dole Whip

What is a DOLE Whip, you ask? Well, it’s a soft-serve, frozen treat that is perhaps most famously enjoyed in its pineapple flavor, though you can find other flavors of DOLE Whip in Disney World (or get it swirled sometimes with other flavors). You can opt for a DOLE Whip Pineapple, Vanilla DOLE Whip, Raspberry-Pineapple DOLE Whip Swirl, and more at Aloha Isle.

Pineapple Upside-Down Cake from Aloha Isle with DOLE Whip on Top

Get it on its own, get it with the Pineapple Upside-Down Cake, or get it as a float — no matter what you do, those sweet, tart, and tropical flavors (particularly with the pineapple version) are sure to remind you that you are on vacation! Plus, its delightful coolness can help you cut through the Florida heat.

Click here for a FULL LIST of DOLE Whips you can get in Disney World

2 — Cheshire Cat Tail (Cheshire Cafe)

Love a good pastry? Look no further than the Cheshire Cat Tail! This snack is made of a tail-shaped twisted pastry filled with chocolate chips and topped with squiggles of pink and purple icing. The pastry is full of wonderfully flaky layers, the chocolate flavors really come through, it’s wonderfully gooey, and it has just the right amount of sweetness! 🤌🏼

The Cheshire Cat Tail is an iconic Magic Kingdom snack

Whether you choose to have it as a mid-morning snack (second breakfasts are REAL), a breakfast snack, a mid-day snack, a dessert, or all of the above, we won’t judge!

Cheshire Cat Tail

Just be warned — this beauty has disappeared from the Cheshire Cafe menu in the past, sometimes making a limited appearance at other spots like The Lunching Pad or temporarily being replaced by other snacks. So just be sure to see if it’s available during your trip!

Click here to see more about the snacks you can get at Cheshire Cafe!

3 — Wendell’s Bear Claw (Westward Ho Refreshments)

For more delicious pastry fun, make your way to Westward Ho Refreshments in Frontierland for Wendell’s Bear Claw! This is a traditional bear claw (like the ones you have likely had at home) dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with hazelnuts. For those who aren’t familiar with it, a bear claw is a yeast-raised pastry like a type of Danish in a shape that resembles a bear claw.

Wendell’s Bear Claw

Is it a simple treat? Sure, but sometimes simple is best! The texture of the pastry is wonderfully flaky, it’s filled with chocolate (making it even MORE delicious), and it really is a wonderful thing to grab with a morning cup of coffee.

Wendell’s Bear Claw

But be warned — this was introduced as a 50th Anniversary treat in Disney World. With the 50th Anniversary ending on March 31st, 2023, there’s a chance this delicious treat could go away soon. We hope that won’t be the case here, but we’ll be on the lookout for updates.

What else can you snack on at Westward Ho? Click here to find out!

4 — Peanut Butter Cookie Pie (Main Street Confectionery)

Get ready to DROOL. The Peanut Butter Cookie Pie at the Confectionery is the stuff of dessert dreams. This treat is made with a Peanut Butter Cookie, Chocolate Frosting, and Peanut Butter M&M’s. Though it can be a hint on the dry side from the peanuts and peanut butter, the cookie is rich, soft, and dense, but not too sweet.

The Peanut Butter Cookie Pie!

Combine that with the great texture of the peanut butter chips baked into the cookie and the crunch from the peanut butter M&M’s and you have a real WINNER. We also really like that the cookie isn’t totally covered in chocolate — it had just enough to add sweetness without overpowering the cookie. The only thing that would make this treat even better would be a glass of milk, but really we’re not complaining here!

Peanut Butter Cookie Pie

It’s not overly sweet, it’s perfect for peanut butter lovers, oh and Annual Passholders can get a discount since it’s at the Confectionery?! Okay, this is a snack you do NOT want to miss!

Click here to see what other sweet treats might be worth your cash (and calories) at the Confectionery

5 — Grey Stuff (Be Our Guest Restaurant)

“Try the grey stuff, it’s delicious!” Don’t believe us? Well, try it for yourself and you can find out!

Yes, THE grey stuff is something you can actually eat in Disney World and yes, it’s incredible. If you want to try this iconic dish, head on over to Be Our Guest Restaurant (snag a reservation fast because those can be hard to come by!). There, you’ll be able to get a Dessert Trio that includes a chocolate tart with grey stuff, crisp pearls, and a white chocolate wafer.

The Chocolate Tart with the Grey Stuff is part of the Dessert Trio

In the past, we’ve also sometimes seen it displayed inside an edible white chocolate “chip” cup.

Try the grey stuff!

But no matter how it comes, it’s TASTY. The grey stuff essentially tastes like Oreo icing, in the best way possible. Truthfully, we sometimes wish we could get the grey stuff in a bucket all on its own, sans the chocolate tart shell. But it can be quite sweet, so just how much you’ll want to shovel into your mouth will depend on your sweet tooth.

Grey stuff

Once upon a time, you could also get the Grey Stuff in cupcake form at Gaston’s Tavern, but sadly it has since disappeared from the menu. We can only hope that one day it’ll appear again so you can eat the grey stuff to your heart’s content without that hard-to-get Be Our Guest reservation.

Want to make the grey stuff at home? Use this recipe!

6 — Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake (Liberty Tree Tavern)

If you’re looking for a dessert that is indulgent and rich, run to Liberty Tree Tavern. You may know this as the restaurant where you can get Thanksgiving dinner all year long, but the classic meal comes with something extra special for dessert — the Ooey Gooey Toffee Cafe. This is made of a Vanilla Toffee Cake, Chocolate Sauce, and Vanilla Ice Cream, and yes it’s every bit as good as it looks.

Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake

It’s melty, the chocolate and ice cream soaks into the cake making it incredibly moist, and it perfectly balances simple flavors with wonderful textures. Though it is VERY sweet, we could eat 10 of them in one sitting. We’re not joking. It’s THAT good.

Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake

The rest of the meal here could have been terrible and we’d still come back time and time again for this dessert (don’t worry, the rest of the meal here isn’t terrible!).

Click here to see a FULL review of the meal at Liberty Tree Tavern

7 — Coconut Bar with Pineapple Basil Compote! (Jungle Navigation Co., Ltd. Skipper Canteen)

Ready to challenge your flavor palette? You might see “basil compote” and think, that’s not dessert! But oh, no, no — you would be WRONG! Allow us to introduce you to the wonderful Coconut Bar with Pineapple-Basil Compote and Vanilla Cream. This tasty treat is made with a Vanilla Chiffon Cake with Coconut and Lime-White Chocolate Ganache. Aside from being a treat for the eyes, it’s a treat for your stomach too! The coconut flavor is delicious (we wish it had even MORE of that flavor!), and it all tastes very real (not artificial).


It was our favorite dessert at Skipper Canteen during one visit a few years ago. The cake is soft and light, the ganache is AH-MAZING, and we seriously still can’t get over just how well the flavors mesh together — yes, including that basil!

Cross-section of the Coconut Bar

Don’t let the name scare you — give this treat a try during your next trip!

Click here to see what other items you might not be able to resist at Skipper Canteen!

8 — Cinnamon Roll (Gaston’s Tavern)

If you’re a fan of icing lean in close, we have a treat you must know about and a hack to make it better! The Cinnamon Roll at Gaston’s Tavern is iconic and HUGE (totally big enough to share — if you want to that is!). Some might still miss the old cinnamon roll from Main Steet Bakery, but we think Gaston’s is a snack worthy of your love and adoration. It can have a bit more of a maple flavoring to it but as long as you’re okay with that, this is a snack we think you’ll be happy to dig into.

Cinnamon Roll

But, a word of advice. Sometimes the inside part of the cinnamon roll can be a bit on the drier side. And even if it isn’t, there’s a hack you’ll still want to know about.

Cinnamon Roll

When ordering your cinnamon roll, ask for an extra side of icing! You will be SO GLAD you did!


Whether you want to drown yours in the icing right away or use it as a dip as you munch along, it’s a must-have.

Make an amazing cinnamon roll at home with this recipe!

9 — LeFou’s Brew (Gaston’s Tavern)

While at Gaston’s Tavern, don’t forget to order the tavern’s signature drink — LeFou’s Brew! This drink is made with Frozen Apple Juice with a hint of Toasted Marshmallow and topped with All-Natural Passion Fruit-Mango Foam. It has a few different and unique flavors mixed in there, and depending on your taste buds it could be a big hit or a miss.

Reactions from guests have been mixed — you’ll either love it or hate it (or maybe be a bit neutral about it) — but it remains the location’s iconic drink so that alone might make it worth a try on your next trip.

LeFou’s Brew

For some, that marshmallow flavor might make the drink too sweet. Though it could be a big selling point with the kiddos. And when it comes to the foam, it does more than just look brew-like since it really adds that passion fruit-mango flavor into the mix, so that’s nice.

A nice foamy top!

Plus, it’s non-alcoholic, making it a drink the whole family can enjoy. Where do you stand on the LeFou’s Brew debate? You’ll have to give it a try and let us know!

We’ve Eaten at Every Magic Kingdom Restaurant. These Are the BEST.

10 — Citrus Swirl (Sunshine Tree Terrace)

Need another cool treat to beat the heat? Grab a Citrus Swirl! Though this beauty is located just a few hops away from its cousin, the DOLE Whip, it often gets overlooked and we simply cannot stand for that any longer. Made with an Orange “Slush” (a.k.a. Frozen Orange Juice and Vanilla Soft-Serve, this is a cool, refreshing, tart and sweet, creamy and fruity treat. It’s got it ALL.

Citrus Swirl

Just be warned, in the past, this dessert has sometimes disappeared from the menu. There was quite the saga involving the Citrus Swirl back in 2021 and 2022. Generally, you’ll find that the treat is available via Mobile Order even though sometimes it is not listed on the online menu. And in the past, it has sometimes disappeared from Mobile Order but has been available to order in person at the window. So the key here is to just ask and see what the situation is like during your visit!

11 — Fresh Fruit Waffle Sandwich (Sleepy Hollow Refreshments)

If you love waffles, fruit, and hazelnut/chocolate spread, the treat you NEED is in Magic Kingdom. The Fresh Fruit Waffle Sandwich (a.k.a. Nutella waffle sandwich) is ridiculously good! This snack comes with a large waffle that has been filled with strawberries, bananas, blueberries, and chocolate-hazelnut spread. There’s fruit in there so it’s totally healthy, right??

Fresh Fruit Waffle

The big ol’ crunchy, golden Belgian waffle is fantastic. Combined with the melty Nutella spread and the fruits and you’ve got a shareable & sweet treat.


It can sometimes be a bit too big to eat as a true sandwich, so you’ll want to grab a fork and knife (and an extra plate) to help deconstruct this beast! You could even cut it up and make it a Nutella waffle pizza! No matter how or when you eat it, we have a feeling it’ll leave you satisfied.

12 — Churros

Okay, Disneyland fans, do NOT come at us. Yes, we know the Disneyland churros have a cult-like following and according to many fans, the Disney World ones do not even come CLOSE. But hey, you make do with what you’ve got right? And even though some may not consider them to be the superior option, a warm, Disney World churro can hit the spot sometimes!


The key here is to also look for specialty churros. While not all of them are hits, sometimes the unique toppings can really take those churros to the next level! Don’t love chomping down on a full-size churro? Grab some mini (or “nugget”) churros from Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe.

Churro Nugs

We think these are pretty tasty and have plenty of cinnamon and sugar. They’re no Disneyland churro, but they’re still pretty good and that chocolate sauce is a great addition!

13 — Mickey’s Premium Ice Cream Bar

Finally, we come to a classic. You didn’t think we’d make this list and NOT include a Mickey’s Premium Ice Cream Bar, did you?! Is it basic? Sure. Is it really just a vanilla ice cream snack covered in a chocolate coating? Yes. But is it delicious? Absolutely! And it very well may be one of the most iconic Disney World snacks.

It’s a Mickey Bar

You’ll find these at a variety of snack stands throughout the park, but if you want to make sure you get the perfect photo, be sure to run over to the Castle to snap shots all of your friends will instantly be jealous of!

Mickey Bar

And there you have it — the BEST desserts in Magic Kingdom. How many of these have you tried? Tell us in the comments!

WE KNOW – there are SO many great snacks at Disney World! How do you choose (we don’t want to choose but will blow our budget on Day 1 otherwise)? We’ve got you covered! We have reviewed nearly EVERY snack available at Disney World, and we’ve written a series of DFB Guides about them! Check out our DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining + Snacks Bundle for all the details you need to plan your snackin’ and spending.

DFB Everything Bundle

You can even download them to your smartphone – it’ll be like we’re right there with you in the parks!

Get our guides here!

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What is your favorite dessert in Magic Kingdom? Tell us in the comments!

The post Best Desserts in Magic Kingdom for 2023 first appeared on the disney food blog.

from the disney food blog https://ift.tt/crlY81G

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