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The Family Halloween Costume That Blew Us Away in Disney World

Okay, so how much fun is it to dress up in costumes for Halloween?

Pooh and Friends ini their Halloween costumes

It’s even more fun when you get to dress up for Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party! Today is a party day, which means that we’ve seen some fun costumes in Magic Kingdom this afternoon (we’re constantly impressed with the costumes!). But one family costume quickly became one of our favorites!

This family (@jessicacook7890 on Instagram) took inspiration from Lilo and Stitch and dressed as characters from the movie. So you’ve got Lilo, Stitch, Angel, and Cobra Bubbles (!!!). Cobra even brought his briefcase! Don’t they just look awesome?

We love it!

We love seeing how creative everyone gets for the party. Pro tip: although it’s fun to dress up for Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween party, Disney does have specific costume rules that you can check out before you attend the party. We also recommend trying to make your costumes as comfortable as possible because you’ll be running around all over Magic Kingdom trick or treating!

We also recommend checking out our full guide about Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween party so you don’t miss out on any food, entertainment, and activities! If you still have questions about the party, click here!

Halloween at Walt Disney World

Have you been to Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party this year? Let us know your favorite part in the comments!

The post The Family Halloween Costume That Blew Us Away in Disney World first appeared on the disney food blog.

from the disney food blog https://ift.tt/n3iOfoA

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