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The NEW Details Marvel and Star Wars Fans Need to Know About the Disney Wish Cruise Ship!

We’ve already gotten a peek at some of the new things coming to Disney Cruise Line‘s latest ship, the Disney Wish.


On the Wish, there will be Disney’s first-ever attraction-at-sea, a Marvel dining experience, a Star Wars lounge/bar, and more! But recently we got the chance to get an inside look at some of the dining/lounge spaces on the ship and now we’re sharing all of that insider knowledge with you.

Recently, we were invited to a special media preview/Imagineering Showcase regarding the Disney Wish. While there, we got the chance to see some pretty awesome things and learn all kinds of fun details about some of the dining options coming to the Wish. Let’s break-down some of the biggest ones here!

Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge

We’ll start with the already very cool looking and sounding Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge. This is a Star Wars-themed bar/lounge that will be accessible to families during the day, but will be adults-only at night.

We’ll start at the entrance. What will it be like to step from the Wish into a Star Wars lounge though? Well, we got a look at the entrance area, which is shaped like those classic, rounded Star Wars doors. The Imagineers shared that you’ll basically walk into a dark space and then there will be a metal entrance door that’ll make that signature “woosh” sound (like an airlock release), and inside will be the glorious Hyperspace Lounge.

During the Imagineering Showcase we got to see a mock-up of the screen that will be used in the space and let’s just say, it was EPIC.


The places you’ll visit via this massive window to “space” are Tatooine, Mustafar, Batuu, Coruscant, and the Moons of Endor. But, Disney also revealed that guests will also get to visit an Ace Squadron scene. This is inspired by the NEW animated Star Wars series Rogue Squadron.

The Imagineers working on the Hyperspace Lounge project told us that the window to “space” was so large in terms of the number of pixels that they had to work with Industrial Light & Magic to recreate the scenes shown. Fans will get to see several angles of ships and worlds that they’ve never even seen before in the movies.

And (of course) there are lots of easter eggs in the scenes — whether you’re a Star Wars novice or an absolute expert. Fans will also get to see all kinds of ships. They may even see a vehicle from the Star Tours attraction. You’ll have to keep those eyes peeled!


Each of the worlds will pass through on the screens and last for about 7-10 minutes each, with a hyperspace jump in between them. The hyperspace you’ll see here goes from right to left, in sync with the movement of the ship. Sideways hyperspace has really only been seen once in the movies, so Disney has to work on how to embrace this unique perspective and really get it to work.

During our time at the Imagineering Showcase, we also got a peek at the layout of the lounge/bar space. Without attempting to re-create our scribbles, we’ll say that essentially there is the bar along one wall, a longer table near the center of the room (with chairs around it), and then various booths and seating areas throughout the space.


There were also around 4 spots (though that could change) in the lounge where some “space oddities” would be displayed. Basically, the idea is that even if you’re not sitting right at the bar, directly in front of the impressive screen, you’ll still have plenty of unique things to look at.

Also, Disney shared that the back area of the lounge is on a raised-up banquette, so even those in the back of the room will get a pretty good view of the screen once the bar starts getting more packed.

Speaking of the back area, there is where you’ll find the holotube. We actually got the chance to see the ACTUAL holotube that will be installed on the ship! Essentially it’s a large, cylindrical container that will feature holographs of the ships passing by. With each of the scenes, the ships you’ll see in the holotube will change.


In terms of the costumes for the Cast Members, the Imagineers shared that they worked with Doug Chiang from Lucasfilm on their design.

Crew Member Costume Sneak Peek ©Disney

Truly, no area of this bar has been overlooked. Even the beer taps will feature Star Wars-themed designs! And the bottles your drinks will be served from will also be themed. For example, you won’t see something like a Jack Daniel’s bottle here. Instead, the Jack Daniel’s liquor itself will be housed in thematic bottles that match the out-of-this-world look of the lounge, keeping everything in-story. Disney is also working on some specialty beers that will be offered at this space.

Also, keep in mind that the lounge is open to families during the day, and is adults-only at night. The Cast Members shared that certain things in the bar, like the music, will change to match that switch in feel. During the day, the music you’ll hear will likely be more of that John Williams score. At night, the place will have more of a Cantina vibe, though they’re still trying to figure out the right soundtrack for that time period.

Basically, Star Wars fans are going to want to check out this lounge and they’re gonna have a LOT to look for.

Click here to get a behind-the-scenes look at Star Wars: Hyperspace Lounge!

Worlds of Marvel

Worlds of Marvel is the unique, interactive dinner show available on the Disney Wish. At Worlds of Marvel, guests can experience “Avengers: Quantum Encounter.” During this experience, Ant-Man and The Wasp will be embarking on their first speaking engagement for the Avengers and will be hosting a presentation of some super powerful Super Hero technology.

The restaurant itself is actually QUITE large at 700 seats (120 tables). But, they’ve divided up the space to make it more intimate, so it’s not as though everyone is sitting in an open-space ballroom-style room.


At each table, you’ll find a quantum core. We actually got a look at some of these in their testing mode during the media preview. We’ll talk more about these in a second.

One unique feature of the restaurant is that it has a glass wall that spans the entire space. The benefit of this glass wall is that it allows Disney to create special effects on it like power downs, red alerts, and more.

There are also over 100 monitors throughout the space. These will be utilized in a variety of ways to showcase the story of this spot.


Overall, there are 3 acts to dinner.

Act 1

Act 1 begins after you place your order. At that time, the lights will dim and Ant Man and The Wasp will come on the screens in the restaurant to talk about quantum tech.

Act 2

After that, you’ll have some time to just enjoy dinner with the family, chat about your day, etc. During dinner service, the restaurant will actually utilize the monitors around the room to tell a story all about the Super Hero tech being used. That “presentation” of sorts will actually use footage from some of the Marvel films to highlight the special tech being used be the heroes. The screens will show graphics and more about the technology.


The presentation is meant to flow nicely with your dinner service and be something fun to look at, but not disruptive to your meal.

Act 3

Act 3 is where things really get exciting! In terms of the overall story, Friday will be the AI guiding the story along and helping at certain points.

During Act 3, there will be an 8-minute sequence where the villain of this entire story is trying to get the Quantum Cores. Let’s just say you’ve seen this villain before in the Marvel movies and it’s someone who you may have thought had been defeated. Turns out, like many characters in Disney, Star Wars, and beyond…things aren’t always as they seem. Look closely at the image below and tell us if you can guess who the villain is (p.s. it starts with the letter “U”).


The villain tries to override some of Friday’s system protocols to get in and get the information they need. Things start to escalate in the battle against this villain, at which point Ant Man and The Wasp will call in for help from Captain America and Captain Marvel! As you look at the screens, you’ll see some of the fighting between the heroes and the villain taking place right on the Disney Wish — you’ll see a video of them battling in the hallways, on the upper deck, and in other spots.


Then, it’ll be up to you, and those around you, to use the Quantum Cores at your tables to save the day! One the villain has been defeated, Ant Man and The Wasp will come by and thank you!

And when it’s time for dessert, you might notice that they’re a bit on the tiny side. Seems like there was a bit of a mishap with the Quantum Cores there!

The Quantum Cores on the tables will light up and make sound effects. And the Cores can sync their lighting across the tables. In terms of what the Quantum Cores are in the Marvel universe, one Imagineer explained them as, essentially, remote-controlled Pym particles. They can cause a target in the restaurant or the ship to shrink or grow. From what we gathered, guests will be able to see things shrinking and growing on the monitors around them.


The entire restaurant it set to be filled with easter eggs for Marvel and Disney fans on the ship, and one Imagineer indicated that it will tie into the new interactive game on the ship — Disney Uncharted Adventure.

Click here to see more about Worlds of Marvel!

More Details

During the media preview, we also got to see concept art and hear about all KINDS of details coming to other restaurants on the Disney Wish. In 1923, for example, we got a closer look at some of the lamps that will be featured near the tables. You can sort-of see in the image below how they’re styled after animator lamps.


For The Rose, Disney indicated that the lounge space has essentially taken over all of the space that was the Meridian Bar in previous ships. They also noted that guests will have to walk through The Rose to get to Palo Steakhouse or Enchante (there will be no other way to get to those spots, at least not a traditional route).


We also got to see some cool details for those spaces, like a Lumiere light fixture or a Rose featured in a case, on top of some books.

Click here to see a list of all of the restaurants coming to the Disney Wish.

Arendelle: A Frozen Dining Adventure

For Arendelle: A Frozen Dining Adventure, we didn’t get too many new details except Disney did specify that guests will be walking through Arendelle Castle and that they’ll pass by suits of armor and paintings on the walls. We have a feeling there will be LOTS for fans to look at and enjoy here.


Overall, Disney said the experience here will be similar to something like Tiana’s Palace from previous Disney Cruise Line ships.

Click here to see more about this Frozen dining experience.

More to Come

But wait, there’s more! During the conference, someone asked what happens on 4 night cruises since those would require some guests to eat for a second time at the Marvel restaurant or the Frozen restaurant. Essentially, the question was whether guests would be stuck experiencing the same Marvel/Frozen story/dining adventure twice during one sailing. Disney’s response? There will be an announcement on that soon! OooOoOoo! We can’t wait to see just what Disney will be sharing about that.

We’ll be sharing more details about what we saw during the Disney Wish conference, and we’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for more details. So, be sure to check back with us for all the latest updates!

Click here to get a sneak peek at some of the Disney Wish Cast Member costumes.

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Disclosure: In nearly all circumstances, Disney Food Blog writers and photographers pay full price for their own travel, hotel, food, beverage, and event tickets. We do this because it’s important to us as journalists to ensure not only that we give you unbiased opinions, but also that you can trust us to do so since we’re paying our own way. On rare occasions, when we are invited by a company to attend a preview as media, and when we choose to accept that invitation, we will always make you, our readers, aware of that situation. We were invited by Disney World to attend their media preview of the Disney Wish. Note that when we attend events as media we are 1) Not required to review that event/food on any of our channels, and 2) Not required to review that event/food favorably. You can always count on DFB to give you a 100% unbiased and honest review of any event that we attend, food that we eat, or beverage that we drink. You can see more in our Disclosure Policy. Thank you for reading. — AJ

What do you think about these dining experiences coming to the Disney Wish? Tell us in the comments!

The post The NEW Details Marvel and Star Wars Fans Need to Know About the Disney Wish Cruise Ship! first appeared on the disney food blog.

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