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Am I Dining WRONG at Be Our Guest Restaurant in Disney World?

Bonjour, ma chère and mon cher! “It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you” to Be Our Guest Restaurant in Magic Kingdom!

From the day it opened as part of New Fantasyland in November 2012, Be Our Guest Restaurant has been and remains one of the most in-demand dining experiences in Disney World. From the onset, it was unlike any other restaurant in Disney World, offering a variety of dining experiences (based on the time of day: breakfast, lunch, or dinner) in a setting plucked straight out of one of the most beloved Disney animated films, Beauty and the Beast.

The demand for Be Our Guest is rivaled, in fact, only by a meal at that other Castle in Magic Kingdom 😉Cinderella’s Royal Table. And much like we did when we discussed Cinderella’s Royal Table recently, we asked our readers to share some of the struggles (or “fails”) that they’ve experienced at Be Our Guest Restaurant in the hopes of helping future visitors feel better prepared for what to expect and consider if this is truly the best option for their vacation dining choices.

So grab your enchanted mirror — since I know you keep one handy! — and gaze with us into this remarkable setting…

Be Our Guest Restaurant in Disney World

…and, of course, “Be Our Guest!” 

The Beast’s Castle

Welcome to The Beast’s truly magical dwelling.

Be Our Guest Restaurant

The scene is set even as you approach the entrance, with gargoyles keeping watch at a few spaces along the stone path.


Since we want to dive into the conversations about Be Our Guest Restaurant, our tour will be somewhat brief for such a detailed and immersive setting. (You can take a full photo tour here!)

Be Our Guest Restaurant in Magic Kingdom

But, much like Belle, we can’t resist having a quick look around, especially since the setting of The Beast’s Castle is the main reason most guests want to dine here! The restaurant is broken up into three rooms — each quite unique!

The Grand Ballroom

How could we not take a moment to step into The Grand Ballroom?

The Grand Ballroom

Replete with twinkling chandeliers, shades of gold and royal blues, and stunning windows showcasing gently falling snow, you can practically see Belle dancing with The Beast when you walk in and inevitably need a moment to take it all in.

The Grand Ballroom

I’m sure you can understand why one of our readers said “I think you’ve got to do it at least once, just to see what it looks like inside!”

A few of Lumiere’s Candle Buddies

And we agree. It’s truly stunning!

The West Wing

Home to the Enchanted Rose, entry into the West Wing is forbidden by The Beast. (Unless, you know, your host or hostess seats you there. Then it’s totally cool.)

The West Wing

The Rose sits in an unassuming corner, and beside it lies the Enchanted Mirror.

Enchanted Rose at Be Our Guest Restaurant

From time to time, thunderstorms rattle the room, and the flashes of lightning simultaneously reveal a change in the portrait from the Prince…

West Wing in Be Our Guest Restaurant

…. to THE BEAST!

West Wing Beast Portrait

Another reader shared her advice to “ask to be seated in the West Wing! It is so atmospheric!” It’s the favorite of many guests (including our own AJ!).

The Castle Gallery

The third room is the Castle Gallery, or the Rose Gallery.

Rose Gallery at Be Our Guest Restaurant

This room just so happens to be Belle’s favorite (as we’ve learned from Cast Members).

Portrait in the Rose Gallery

Here, guests are surrounded by portraits displaying scenes of Belle and The Beast’s life together.

Rose Gallery Portraits at Be Our Guest Restaurant

And in the midst of it all is a larger-than-life music box (made by Belle’s father, Maurice, for her wedding) where Belle and The Beast twirl while you dine.

Belle and the Beast

See a FULL PHOTO TOUR of Be Our Guest Restaurant here!

Beyond the Setting — Other Considerations

So, we’ve taken a quick tour and I think you can understand why readers have shared sentiments such as “Love the experience here. You are sucked right into the film.”

Be Our Guest

But there are things the pictures simply can’t show, and we think it’s important to bring some to your attention.

For instance, several readers mentioned the noise level, particularly in the Grand Ballroom (which is indeed cavernous). “It’s VERY noisy. I could barely hear the waiter,” and “It’s really loud in the main room, that’s my only complaint.”

Grand Ballroom at Be Our Guest

And we mentioned those thunderstorms in the West Wing, didn’t we? “Our youngest son is terrified of storms. We got a table most people would love to have next to the rose and the picture frame in the West Wing with him in my lap for most of the meal but he got more comfortable and was good by the end.”

Be Our Guest

This is a common experience in the West Wing, as well: “I needed my phone’s flashlight to read the menu in the West Wing 🤣

Now, you CAN request a certain room to sit in, and sometimes a Cast Member is able to grant it: “Asked for a certain room, was told it would be 45 min. We were happy to wait, in order to sit where we wanted. We were seated in 20 min, tops. Our server was PHENOMENAL!!!!! The food was all delicious… And now we can say we’ve had the grey stuff!”

Where would you most like to sit?

That said, they may NOT be able to grant your request at that particular time, or you simply may not prefer or be able to wait.

The Rose Gallery

The Rose Gallery seems to win for most people’s least favorite room — it doesn’t have any “magical” element to it like the other two do. It’s really just a normal dining room. If you’re seated in here, just note it could result in tears from confused children automatically assuming they’d be sitting in the ballroom.

One parent had this very good piece of advice, mentioning that it can be “Disappointing to kids when you are walked through the grand ballroom to be seated in the gallery area, which seems detached and a whole lot less magical. Make sure you prepare your kids in advance that sitting in the ballroom is not always an option.”

“Put Our Service to the Test!” — Previous Serving Styles

Be Our Guest Restaurant previously offered something of a hybrid when it came to serving styles. Prior to the temporary closure of Disney World in response to the global health crisis, the options were a Counter Service prix-fixe Breakfast, a Counter Service a la carte Lunch, and a prix-fixe Table Service Dinner which debuted in 2018 (having previously been a la carte).

“Remember us? You could see us when this joint served Counter Service meals…”

Breakfast and Lunch were also unique in that guests could make Advanced Dining Reservations for what was a Counter Service (“Disney speak” for a cheaper fast-food type meal) experience due to the location’s popularity. The kicker though was this “fast food” was way better quality food than you could find at most other “fast food” locations for roughly the same price in some cases.

The Counter Service Breakfast and Lunch did NOT return upon the reopening of Magic Kingdom last July. And since the Counter Service Lunch was our absolute favorite meal here, being both affordable AND boasting some of the restaurant’s best dishes, we are — quite frankly — bummed. And we’re not the only ones: “Previous experience at lunch… cost half as much with better food.”

Lunch favorites: Braised Pork, French Onion Soup, Master’s Cupcake

“We won’t go back if they don’t bring back QS lunch. Not worth it.”

Breakfast was a bit of a different story. While we recommended Lunch without hesitation for guests paying out-of-pocket or participating in the Disney Dining Plan, we felt Breakfast was a good deal for those using the one required Counter Service credit on the Disney Dining Plan due to the hefty price tag of $29.00 for adults and $16.00 for children. Paying out of pocket, this was a pricey “fast food” breakfast.

Gargoyles in the Early Morning: Rise and… Shine? Or not. It’s up to you.

Several readers quite enjoyed breakfast: “We’ve always gone for breakfast and have no complaints!” And with fun options like the Croissant Donut topped with Banana-Caramel Sauce, Pastry Creme, and Chocolate Ganache, it did have its own standouts.

Be Our Guest Croissant Donut

(Pretty? Not so much. But is it a TASTY PILE OF DESSERT FOR BREAKFAST? Oh, YEAH!)

“We have trouble snagging a dinner reservation here so instead go for breakfast. And the food and atmosphere is so great that we’ve made breakfast here a tradition for each trip. We usually get the earliest reservation of the day so we get our pick of tables in any of the three rooms, and being the first people of the day, the service is always great too.”

“Yes, indeed, we aim to please!”

At this time, we have no indication of when — or even if — the previous variety of serving styles will return. But we did want to shed a little light on these options for your future reference in the hopes that they do. You can see one of our breakfast reviews here, and lunch here. (Another reader has a great tip, if Counter Service meals return: “Best advice (back then): pre-order on the app to avoid the long order line!”)

The Beast’s Feast — Current Dining Experience and Cost

We mentioned the prix-fixe Table Service dinner above, which made its debut in 2018. When Be Our Guest Restaurant reopened last summer, it was announced that Lunch would now offer the same experience as Dinner. (Currently, no form of Breakfast is available.)

Be Our Guest Prix-Fixe Menu

The current cost to dine is $62.00 for adults and $37.00 for children ages 3-9, or two Table Service credits on the Disney Dining Plan (which, BTW, WILL return at a later date as an add-on option to Disney World vacation packages!).

So, what do you get for those pretty pennies? The three-course meal features an Appetizer, Entrée, and a Dessert Trio.

Roasted Pork Tenderloin Entree

While menu items are always subject to change, adults can currently choose from French Onion Soup (we love it!), Mixed Field Greens, an Assorted Meats and Artisanal Cheese Selection, and Maine Lobster Bisque for their Appetizer.

Cheeeeeesy French Onion Soup!

Children may choose a Fruit and Cheese Plate, Iceberg Wedge Salad, or House-made Peach Applesauce.

Kids’ Appetizer

Guests choice of the French-inspired Entrees includes Herb-salted Pork Tenderloin (it’s… okay), Center-cut Filet Mignon (which has been quite good each time we’ve tried it), Poulet Rouge Chicken (this simply doesn’t receive great reviews from readers), Vadouvan Spiced Vegetables (“As a vegetarian, I just cannot say it was worth that price”), and Pan-seared Sea Scallops for adults.

Filet Mignon

The kiddos can order the Grilled Beef Tenderloin, Pan-seared Chicken Breast, or the (SERIOUSLY YUMMY) House-made Macaroni & Cheese, each with their choice of side.

Kids’ Entree

Each adult receives a Dessert Trio with a Lemon Jam Macaron, a Dark Chocolate Truffle, and a White Chocolate “Chip” Cup filled with the Grey Stuff. A plant-based Vanilla Cake with Lemon Curd is also available.

Dessert Trio

Children get their own version of the Dessert Trio featuring a “blank” White Chocolate “Chip” Cup which they can decorate with edible paint! (“My 2 year old especially enjoyed the ‘Chip’ dessert with edible paint and decorations.”) Seasonal Fruit is also an option.

Kids’ Dessert Trio

It’s well worth noting that the food at Be Our Guest Restaurant earned MANY more positive responses from readers than the cuisine at Cinderella’s Royal Table overall. Buuuut we definitely want to share some of the input we received here. Because even though the food, in general, does not receive many horrible reviews, the overwhelming response in regards to the cuisine? “Meh.”

“We were shocked that our bill was more expensive than our meal at California Grill which is superior to Be Our Guest.” Essentially, Be Our Guest is currently considered a Signature Dining experience in terms of cost and required Dining Dining Plan credits. But while the setting is certainly in line with Signature Dining locations, you won’t necessarily be enjoying the same style of Signature cuisine as you would at spots like California Grill, which received a few nods from readers by comparison. (You can see our most recent review of California Grill here.)

Oak-fired Filet of Beef from California Grill

“The food is good just not as good as some of the other choices on property such as California Grill or ‘Ohana at the Poly.” 

And one reader had this to say: “Disney has a lot of fine restaurants but Be Our Guest is not one of them.” So, if you’re looking for a few different choices to add to your list of considerations, we chat about that right here:

Another option you might consider? The Enchanted Rose Lounge at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort. True, it’s not a traditional Table Service restaurant, but the Beauty and the Beast-inspired spot offers a lovely respite, delicious small plates, and upscale drinks for an experience more geared towards adults who still enjoy plentiful touches of magic and whimsy.

Aaaaalllll that said, many guests enjoyed their Be Our Guest meal; yet, understandably, price remains a hot topic, either way: “We just went last week and it is truly an amazing experience. The experience is one of a kind. The price tag, however, far too high. The kids prices I think are particularly high for what they get. The food was outstanding, but I would not return until the quick service lunch returns.”

How ’bout a little sticker shock to go with that Grey Stuff?

For the record, we hear you. We think it’s overpriced, too, y’all. But, seeing as the Prix-fixe Table Service is the ONLY option to dine at Be Our Guest Restaurant right now, you’ll need to weigh the value of dining basically IN a Disney movie with the cost for your group.

“Don’t look at me. I didn’t price the menu.”

“We loved everything about it, except the price! But once you’ve paid for BOG, nothing else seems THAT expensive!” (See? There’s a bright side for everything! 😉 )

“I went in with the mindset that I was there just for the ambiance, but beside the terrible lobster bisque, everything was so, so good! Was the food alone worth the price tag? Absolutely not. But it was not disappointing.”

Charcuterie Plate at Be Our Guest Restaurant

Several parents also voiced thoughts on the Children’s menu: “Having lunch there became a tradition, but unless they return the [Quick Service] lunch, I doubt we will go again. My son will be very sad, but there really is nothing on the sit down menu that he would eat.”

“With the current menu [my daughter] would eat nothing and for $37 per kid its not worth it.” You may want to take some time to peruse the menu (you can find it on the Disney World website or My Disney Experience app) and reviews (like this one!) ahead of booking an Advance Dining Reservation to make sure there is something your child will eat.

“Hey,” you might be thinking… “You never really talked about the most famous dish of all!” Oh, don’t you worry…

“Try the Grey Stuff! It’s… Uhh, Well…”

Aaah, the Grey Stuff! Made famous by Lumiere when he sings “Be Our Guest,” many people anticipate trying the treat nearly as much as visiting the Castle itself. After all, according to Lumiere himself, “It’s delicious!”

White Chocolate “Chip” Cup filled with the Grey Stuff

As it turns out, though, not everyone agrees with our Candelabra friend. Personally, I enjoy the Grey Stuff, which is essentially an airy whipped cookies-and-cream mousse-like treat.

Grey Stuff as presented in Child’s Dessert Trio

But, hey… what fun would the world be if we were all alike? Because even though many find it tasty, it’s more than one reader’s opinion that: “The grey stuff — it was not delicious.” 😉

Others shared: “One of the main reasons I went to BOG was grey stuff. My daughter and I were so excited but very disappointing :/ Loved everything else tho,” and a “fail” was “Getting reservations just to try the amazing grey stuff and being disappointed that it was whipped icing :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:.” 

The Grey Stuff presented in the Taste of Magic Kingdom Tour

If your Disney World trip just won’t be complete without giving the Grey Stuff a go, but you’re not sure if the entire Be Our Guest experience is right for your group, guess what? We have a great solution for you! Actually, Gaston has a great fix for you (and he’ll never let you hear the end of it, I’m sure).  Did you know you can try The Grey Stuff CUPCAKE at Gaston’s Tavern?

The Grey Stuff Cupcake

This option happily appeared when the Counter Service Lunch did not return upon the reopening of Be Our Guest Restaurant since guests were previously able to order the similar Master’s Cupcake during that meal.

Master’s Cupcake

And if you DON’T find it to be delicious, you’ve only spent a teeny fraction of the cost that you would for the current dining experience in the Castle. And, you never know… you may love it! “Our biggest fail is we only went once. We did try the grey stuff, though, and it was delicious.”

Character Appearance versus Character Meal

Most guests are aware that Be Our Guest Restaurant is not a traditional Character Meal (where several characters appear and visit each individual table). However, the Table Service meal does typically offer a very rare opportunity.

The Beast Souvenir

While this feature is NOT available at the moment in keeping with current safety measures (as Character meet-and-greets remain suspended for the time being), the prix-fixe Table Service meal gives guests the chance to meet The Beast himself at the end of their meal, and have a photo taken with him! (Please Note: This option has always been limited to the Table Service experience; it was not available during either Counter Service meal.)

The Beast greets visitors in his study during Dinner

This is a pretty huge deal, since The Beast is very rarely seen in the parks. While he has made appearances with Belle in EPCOT’s France pavilion, his presence is not consistent, making this pretty much the only guaranteed photo op with this truly memorable character. A reader mentioned, “I do miss meeting The Beast after the meal, but I know this change is only temporary.”

The Beast greeting guests at Be Our Guest Restaurant

We are happy to say, though, that The Beast IS making physically distanced appearances strolling through the restaurant in the meantime. One reader shared: “My kids enjoyed seeing the Beast, even from a socially distanced standpoint.” (Though some noted a thought shared by many: “I wish Belle made an appearance. Other than that we had a great experience.”)

Beast with the Rose

So, yes, it is very cool to see (or, better yet, meet) The Beast! But it might be worth keeping in mind that a traditional Character Meal allows you the opportunity to meet and get your photos taken with several characters for a lesser cost than what you will pay at Be Our Guest Restaurant (with the exception being Cinderella’s Royal Table, which costs more).

Belle at Akershus

Only a few Character Meals are available at the moment. But as more continue to return, you might consider EPCOT’s Akershus Royal Banquet Hall in the Norway pavilion (especially if you have a Beauty and the Beast fan in your group) where Belle herself is often in attendance, along with other Princesses like Cinderella, Snow, White, and Ariel, to name a few!

And that’s just ONE option. You can find the full list of Character Meals that are typically available here, and all of your current options here!

Find out MORE about Character Dining in Disney World HERE!

Magical Moments

We like to share our own reviews and input from our readers as a way to prepare those considering a meal at Be Our Guest Restaurant in the hopes that they’ll be able to make the best decision that provides the most value for their specific traveling group.

Be Our Guest Stained Glass Window

And we also want to share that, in addition to the experiences and stories above, readers shared the following:

“We visited earlier this month, and it was one of our favorite meals. Our server was attentive… our food was great, and it was the perfect break for early dinner after a very hot MK day.”

“I loved it! Yes it was a little spendy but so is literally everything in Disney!”

“Been there several times for lunch and once for dinner. Never disappointed. Great food and atmosphere. And we got to meet Beast!”

“No fails. We had a magical dinner there. The food was delicious and it was so much fun to see Beast.”

“I’ve been there three times in the last year and have loved it each time! It’s my favorite place  :yellow_heart:” 

“And they lived Happily Ever After”

We’d like to thank our readers once again for contributing to this post with your stories, your thoughtfulness, and your humor. And if YOU would ever like to chime in on the conversations (it’s pretty fun!), we’d love it if you join us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

To see the current dining experience at Be Our Guest Restaurant “in action,” you can check out this video from our DFB YouTube Channel below!

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Have you ever dined at Be Our Guest Restaurant (or hope to in the future)? Please let us know with a comment!


The post Am I Dining WRONG at Be Our Guest Restaurant in Disney World? first appeared on the disney food blog.

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