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IT’S BAAACK! The Saga Continues With the Return of Disney World’s Mysterious Pumpkin Pretzel!

We made a special trek through the jungle of Animal Kingdom today to see if the Pumpkin Pretzel we’d reported to you earlier about had returned. In case you’d forgotten, here’s what it looked like the first time we got it:

Pumpkin Spice Pretzel

Yeeeeeesh! This was one knee-jerkingly rough-looking Disney snack! Quite the departure from the Mickey Celebration Donut or all of the highly photogenic Arendelle Aqua treats that have been released at Disney World as of late!

But hey, even pretzels have bad days! So when we saw that the pretzel was BACK, we made it our mission this afternoon to see if we could capture a better image of the elusive Pumpkin Pretzel in the wild. If you remember from earlier, we’d tried to order a third Pumpkin Pretzel on our first safari, but it had mysteriously disappeared!

Pumpkin Pretzel

The Pumpkin Pretzel’s natural habitat is Thirsty River Bar and Trek Snacks, and the sign was actually there today indicating the sweet treat had returned to its snacky lair. And here’s the photographic evidence of our third attempt at capturing the Pumpkin Pretzel’s good side — this time he looks like he’s got a sad little face!

Pumpkin Pretzel

We feel so bad for the Cast Members who have to make these guys, because honestly, it’s impossible to make it look good! They literally have to dump these things in a sea of icing… We see you guys trying and we appreciate you SO much!

Maybe the Pumpkin Pretzel just wasn’t meant to be, but even though this seasonal treat is hard on the eyes, it actually tastes delicious!

Pumpkin Pretzel

It’s got a great pumpkin spice filling and ours was prepared fresh when we ordered it! The sweetness from the orange icing is quite tasty, too!

Pumpkin Pretzel

See if you can spot the Pumpkin Pretzel at Thirsty River Bar and Trek Snacks on your next trip to Animal Kingdom. Better yet, buy one for $6.79 and see what you think of it for yourself — just maybe leave it off your Insta account, though!

Have you tried the ugly pretzel at Animal Kingdom yet? Tell us what you thought of it in the comments section below!

from the disney food blog https://ift.tt/2OdKzn5

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