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DFB Video: Where in Disney World Can I Find…???

Happy Thursday! We’re back with another DFB Video today, and we’re answering some questions! “Where in Disney World can I find….???”

Where can I Get a Celebration Cake in Disney World?

There’s a LOT going on in Disney World, and sometimes the information is so expansive that it can be difficult to narrow down certain items. Some questions we are often presented include: Where can I find a Birthday Cake? Where to do dinner and a show? Where can we eat with the Disney Princesses? We’re answering those and MANY more, so settle in and join us to learn Where in Disney World You Can Find… well, you’ll have to watch the video to find out 😉 .

And if you love this video, there’s plenty more for you to enjoy over on our DFB YouTube Channel!

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So check out the video and then let us know: What where-can-I-find tips do you like to share about Disney World?

from the disney food blog https://ift.tt/2PgWDnp

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